salam alaik, hello again there! what's up guys? hopefully u guys enjoy these holidays peacefully and wisely. soo, im quite rajin post something lately sebab i've nothing to do instead of fb-ing and etc. well, only 2weeks left and i'l be going back to my school! sounds scary there hihi. and this time will be packed dengan lepak with my friends and family. its not too late lagi. ok korg, u guys suka telan ubat tak? not a liquid one, but a tablet ones. if korg suka, mmg bagus lah. but me, tak suka gila makan ubat2 ni esp. yg tablet tu lah like antibiotics. oh man, i hate the time when i got these kind of ubat2 to telan. few days ago, i met doctor to checkup few things bout my health. then doc said i got chronic sinusitis. dont be scared with that chronic. its nothing but a long term illness that deals with my sinus area. for those who're taking medical course, surely u guys know we have 4parts of sinuses. frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. and my case, it takes place in maxillary part. where this part of sinus get swollen. and cause my blood vessels ruptured. i alredy undergo surgery when i was 19, but things get worst. so doc gave me cefuroxime. well, im not into these drugs! so what to do, mkn pn ikot suka my time je kan. and yg consistent pn i used nasal spray tu huu. ok lah finish with that part. lets go with another part haha. ok, i miss terengganu like a hell yeah! u know what, i missed moments tidur kat uma fida and asha, and bangun pagi seeking for nasi dagang. and then pegi pantai at noon, berjemur. pegh, best do. rindu suasana kampung cmtu. then pegi air terjun even im not minat sgt with air terjun. i wonder why people suka sgt air terjun haha. ok takpe, but that tym mmg sronok sbb with kwn2. then lepak2 kat pantai, mkn keropok lekor. hell, sronok gilaa! and tym pergi holiday dgn family kt tganu. snorkeling, mandi pantai. best nyaa. i missed my friends there, they called themselves GC group hihi. thanks lah, sbb without them, aku mmg tak knal tempat2 kat sana. so, mayb i'l b in terengganu on july. so if ada rzeki, i'l be meeting u guys insyaallah. ok guys byeee!
time shows 3am now, but im not about to sleep lagi. tak tau lah asal lately am being insomnia. nak kata biological clock tak switch lagi since balik dari umrah tipu lah kan. sebab dah been 2weeks cmtu dah. might be bcause, im quite thinking yg i get to go back to school!! arghh, hell. my 4 months holiday is being cut just like that. memang cuti tu kau yg punya. and so boleh buat sesuka hati kan. stop talking bout medical student blablabla. ktorg pun sama jela dgn student laen. u just know how to make me sane KY! huh. baru plan nak kje apa. in fact, i alredy got a job as promoter kat CR. then so suddenly ckp masuk on july. damn. its ok, try to think the positive side of it. anyway, rasa sunyi sangat being at home when no mum and dad around me. dorg kat china, for business matter. so boringgg. ma sister bz handling her coming wedding. ma brother bz kerja. and me? haaha, bz tidur, makan, watching movies, going out cari food. itu jela my routine. its ok lah. im preparing maself nak masuk belajar balik. nasib baek lah kat sha alam je. and if without ma girlfriends kat sana, i dunno how to survive in there. btw, u guys tau tak zumba dance? try get ones, dvd punya. best kot! im working out maself. kurus punya pasal. seriously, best gila dance tu hihi. ok lah, til now goodnait darlings !
tiba-tiba doctor ckp, eh awak semakin kurus lah siti. me like, pheeww. senyum lebar. akhirnya jalan gak ah aku punya diet kan hihi. but kalau boleh, i really really want back ma 47kg. insyaallah.
itu je nak share. byk lagi tempat menarik kat mecca ni like gua hira' whereas wahyu pertama diturunkan and macam2 tempat besejarah lagi kat sana. if kat madina, ada raudhah iaitu makam Nabi Muhammad is being placed there.
semoga kita sentiasa memperbaiki amalan kita. aminn